Mag. rer.soc.oec. Regina Reimer
studied sociology and ethnology at the
University of Vienna. Works as youth and adult educator,
organiser of cultural and research events. Master thesis on
intercultural couples. Focus: Gender and women, new poverty,
intercultural issues.
Dr. phil. Michael Strähle
studied philosophy, Chinese studies and law in
Vienna. Lectureships at Danube University Krems
and Johannes Kepler
University Linz; adult educator. Co-founder of the
international research network Science as/in Culture: Scientific Misconduct,
Evaluation, Media. Research focus: Cultural and social
aspects of modern ICT, science studies. Projects and
publications in those areas.
Dr. rer.nat. Susanne Strnadl
studied zoology and botanics, free-lance
science journalist (among others, for the daily newspaper Der Standard), working in
projects, author of children´s books and novelist (Susanne
Papst: Herbert & Co, Ein Vorlesebuch, the novel Orinoco
(information in German here)).
Focus on public relations in the environmental field.
Mag. phil. Christine Urban
studied sociology and a combination of social psychology, applied psychology, languages, computer training, specialised on health and gender sociology. Children´s, youth and adult trainer and art. Focus on health sociology, research politics, education and work, gender, methods in social sciences.