Team (alphabetically)
Mag. rer.soc.oec. Regina Reimer
studied sociology and ethnology at the
University of Vienna. Works as youth and adult educator,
organiser of cultural and research events. Master thesis on
intercultural couples. Focus: Gender and women, new poverty,
intercultural issues.
Dr. phil. Michael Strähle
studied philosophy, Chinese studies and law in
Vienna. Lectureships at Danube University Krems
and Johannes Kepler
University Linz; adult educator. Co-founder of the
international research network Science as/in Culture: Scientific Misconduct,
Evaluation, Media. Research focus: Cultural and social
aspects of modern ICT, science studies. Projects and
publications in those areas.
Dr. rer.nat. Susanne Strnadl
studied zoology and botanics, free-lance
science journalist (among others, for the daily newspaper Der Standard), working in
projects, author of children´s books and novelist (Susanne
Papst: Herbert & Co, Ein Vorlesebuch, the novel Orinoco
(information in German here)).
Focus on public relations in the environmental field.
Mag. phil. Christine Urban
studied sociology and a combination of social psychology, applied psychology, languages, computer training, specialised on health and gender sociology. Children´s, youth and adult trainer and art. Focus on health sociology, research politics, education and work, gender, methods in social sciences.